高校英語 不定詞のまとめと問題【総合】



  • 不定詞全般を復習したい
  • 不定詞を使った例文をいろいろ見たい
  • 不定詞の文法問題を解きたい



不定詞は「to + 動詞の原形」をとり、さまざまな用法があります。



  • To see is to believe.【名詞的用法】
    (見ることは信じること。→ 百聞は一見に如かず。)
  • It is nice to hear from you.【名詞的用法】
  • I believe him to be honest.【名詞的用法】
  • Would you like something to eat?【形容詞的用法】
    (何か食べ物はいかがですか。→ 何か召し上がりますか。)
  • Jun is the last person to do such a thing.【形容詞的用法】
  • He doesn’t have a house to live in.【形容詞的用法】
  • I went to the library to borrow books. [ in order to borrow books/so as to borrow books]【副詞的用法】
  • He lived to be eighty years old.【副詞的用法】
  • I tried it again,  only to fail.【副詞的用法】
  • He went there, never to return.


tell, ask, wantorder, command, persuade, encourage, advice, warn, allow, permit,  enable, forbid, cause, remind…などの命令、依頼、願望、許可、原因などの動詞で、動詞+目的語+to不定詞の形をとることができます。

※ say, hope, propose, suggest, demand, explain, inform,forgive, excuse, admit, prohibit では使えません。

  • want him to help me.(×I hope him to help me.  )
  • Please allow me to hear your thoughts.
  • He was obliged to give up the plan.



不定詞の否定形はtoの前にnotやnever、完了形はto have 過去分詞、進行形はto be -ing、受動態はto be 過去分詞の形になります。

  • He promised her not to be late again.
  • I hoped to have seen her.
  • The island seems to be sinking.
  • There is nothing to be done.
    (何もなされることがない → 手の施しようがない。)



不定詞の主語をはっきりさせたいとき、不定詞の前に「It is ─ for + 名詞+to不定詞」が使われますが、─ の部分に人の性質(kind, nice, wise, clever, stupidなど)が入るときはforではなくofを使います。

  • It is not easy for me to speak Chinese.
  • It is kind of you to help me.



SVO+原形不定詞の形をとれる動詞には知覚動詞(see, hear, feel, look at, watch, listen to, notice, perceive, observe)、使役動詞(make, let, have )とhelp があります。

  • She saw him enter the room.
  • He was seen to enter the room by her.
  • Susie made him clean the room.
  • He was made to clean the room by Susie.(make,helpは受動態だとtoが必要)
  • Susie had him clean the room.
  • He helped me do my homework.
  • Get him to fix your bike.(使役動詞getはtoが必要)


  • I had my hair cut./I got my hair cut.


  • make → 原形不定詞〇、過去分詞△
  • let → 原形不定詞〇
  • have → 原形不定詞〇、過去分詞〇、現在分詞〇
  • get →  to不定詞〇、過去分詞〇、現在分詞〇
  • help → 原形不定詞〇、to不定詞△




  • She is to arrive at the hotel tomorrow morning.【予定】
  • Not a cloud was to be seen in the sky.【可能】
  • You are to stay home.【義務】
  • If you are to lose your weight , you must be careful about what you eat.【意図】
  • They were never to see each other again.【運命】

関連記事:be to不定詞の5つの意味と見分け方 まとめと問題


  • He seems to be sick. (to be は省略できます。)
  • He seemed to be sick.
  • He appears to have been rich.
  • happened to meet her.
  • He tends to think of everything in terms money.
  • The rumor turned out to have been false.
  • You will get[come] to like him.



  • It was too hot for them to be outside. 【too – to】
    ⇒It was so hot that they couldn’t be outside.
  • He was kind enough to carry my bag./He was so kind as to carry my bag.【enough to, so – as to】
  • He is hard to talk to.【タフ構文】
  • I wonder what to eat.【疑問詞+to】



  • To tell the truth, she is my girlfriend.
  • To be frank (with you), I don’t like camping.
  • To begin with, I’d like to thank you for your time today.
  • To make matters worse, I left my wallet at home.
  • She is my personal trainer, so to speak.
  • Needless to say, she never contacted me.
  • He can speak Spanish, to say nothing of English.



問1 次の日本文に合うように、(     )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) 何か食べ物はいかがですか。

→ Would you (     )(     )(     )eat?

(2) 彼は決してそんなことをするような人ではない。

→ He is the (     )(     )(     )(     )such a thing.

(3) 彼は80歳まで生きた。

→ He (     )(     )(     )eighty years old.

(4) 彼は私に飲み過ぎないように言った。

→ He told(     )(     )(     )(     )too much.

(5) 手の施しようがない。

→ There is(     )(     )(     ) done.

(6) 彼女に会いたかったのに。

→ I hoped (     )(     )(     )her.

(7) そんな問題をたやすく解くなんて彼は賢い。

It is clever(     )(     )(     )(     )the problem easily.

(8) 彼女は彼に窓をきれいにさせた。

She made (     )(     )the windows.

(9) その噂は結局間違いだったことがわかった。

The rumor (     )out(     )(     )(     ) false.

(10) 実を言うと彼女は僕のガールフレンドなんだ。

To(     )(     )(     ), she is my girlfriend.

問2 次の英文とほぼ同じ意味になるよう、(     )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) Mr. Sato made him go back home.

⇒He(     )(     )(     )(     ) back home by Mr. Sato.

(2) It was too hot for them to be outside.

⇒ It was (     )hot (     )(     )(     )be outside.

(3) I went to the library in order to borrow books.

⇒ I went to the library (     )(     )(     )borrow books.

(4) I wonder what I should eat.

⇒ I wonder(     )(     )(     ).

(5) First of all, I’d like to thank you for your time today.

⇒ To(     )(     ), I’d like to thank you for your time today.

(6) It seems that she caught a cold.

⇒ She seems (     )(     )(     )a cold.

(7) I came across her at the station.

⇒ I(     )(     )(     )her at the station.

(8) He can speak Spanish as well as English.

⇒ He can speak Spanish, to(     )(     )(     )English.

(9) You are to stay home.

⇒ You(     )stay home.

(10) Not a cloud was to be seen in the sky.

⇒ Not a cloud(     )(     )(     )in the sky.

問3 次の(     )内に入る最も適切な語をア~ウの中から選びましょう。

(1) I(     )him to help me.

ア hope イ say ウ want

(2) Get him(     )your bike.

ア fix  イ fixing ウ to fix

(3) He is hard to(     ).(彼に話しかけるのは難しい。)

ア talk イtalk to ウ talking

(4) He was (     ) carry my bag.

ア kind enough to イ kind so as to  ウ too kind to

(5) She saw him(     ) the room.(彼女は彼が部屋に入るのを見た。)

ア enter イto enter  ウentered
